Pardon the half finished site, have to dig through years of photos to find the originals to upload.
However! What have I been upto since the site got magically remodelled? Surprisingly a lot and very little at the same time. Having switched over from the evil clutches of grey market importing to a legitimate camera store, Fotoriesel, I found myself shooting a lot more and experimenting with different styles such as medium format, antiquated Russian gear and even polaroids.
So lets start with the freshest to get this blog rolling!
My most recent photography was actually taking behind the scenes shots with my nifty Fuji X100 for Alec Dawson, who did a Helmut Newton inspired barber shop shoot. There I helped assist with lighting and even just casual observation, so without further ado… enjoy!
Lighting set-up was kept simple and clean, ambient indoors with a white cloth at the window to serve as a privacy screen and diffuse faux natural light from speedlites.
With the end result looking like:
All in all, it was kept simple and quite effective!
Stay tuned for some collaborations between myself and Alec, as well as the site reaching its completion!